Thursday 12 January 2012

lucky number 4

i seriously couldnt sleep last night; was anxiously thinking about MUET. i kept having thoughts, that made me even more nervous! i know, it's useless to think of all that at this stage. yalaaa. bukan boleh buat apa-apa lg kan? but i couldnt help it, i couldnt stand the anxiety. thank god i didnt kill myself. haha

i started staring at my phone this morning, 10 minutes before 9 a.m as i wanted to know the result ASAP! when the time turned from 8.59 to 9.00, i was like this crazy monkey; jumping up and down. after a few, no, A LOT of times sending the same message to mpm, i finally got the result.

Keputusan MUET:
Band: 4

i was screaming, and jumping, and running around in between these tiny spaces in my room. i was so excited. honestly, i never see it coming, considering how much mistakes i've done for the test. i wasnt confident with any of the papers, all of them were equally tough.

i was expecting to get band 3 since i screwed up some of the papers, namely speaking and writing, and listening. *ok, so, 3 out of 4 papers -__-" plus, my english isnt good enough. so, yes, i know where i stand. but the point is, i'm thankful. syukur alhamdulillah.

Monday 9 January 2012

Malaysian University English Test

today's highlight?

i found out the result for end of '11 MUET will be out on 12th Jan 2012. that is three days ahead! gila! i was literally shaking like hell when i heard the news. seriously! i still am! i was even running around the house, sampaikan my mom pun panic.

mem : kenapa ni? (tinggi suara)
me : meeeeeeemmmmmmmmm!!!
mem : kenapaaaa?!! (mata makin besar)
me : result muet keluar hari khamis!
mem : *muntah

that's how it went. except for the part yang dia muntah la, i made that up. hahahahahha.

but seriously, i'm still shaking. honestly, i dont think i did well on the test. and for now, i dont think i have the strength to re-sit for another; not after what i've been through. it was tough, i tell you. i was almost crying when i sat for the listening test. i couldnt hear a thing! i even wrote down 'visual game' when, of course, obviously, it was 'video game'. pshh. ada ka patut.

Saturday 7 January 2012

"We read to know that we are not alone."
- C.S Lewis

wear the old coat and buy a new book.

sejak last day STPM hari tu, i'd been thinking about what i should do selama cuti ni. at first, i was planning to get a part time job, tapi, ntah la. there are a lot of things to consider before making my own decision. so, sementara menunggu result, i decide to do what i love most - reading.

recently, i borrowed a few novels from my aunt. honestly, i'm not a big fan of malay novels. bukan apa, novel melayu ni kebanyakannya, er.. faham-faham la kan. "kan ku panjat gunung Everest, kan ku berenang di Laut China Selatan.... " tu yang bikin geli kadang-kadang. hehe. but dont get me wrong, i do love malay novels.

so last week, i finished reading this book :


i was immediately drawn to the book when i first saw it. the front cover looks interesting, and tidak nampak jiwang sangat. teeheee. still, i was a little skeptical back then, before i started reading. you know what they say, dont judge a book by its cover. but i ended up reading it anyway. hahahahahaha -_-"

it tells a story about this girl, Intan Asha Areen who ran away from home after she saw her fiance going out with another girl. perempuan ni, anak orang kaya, tapi dia pergi satu rumah ni, untuk jadi maid. that's where it all began. anak tuan rumah tempat dia kerja tu, Emir Jihan, selalu kacau dia. and since Areen, herself, is quite stubborn, selalu la dorg gaduh. of course, in the end, he fell for her.

overall, i enjoyed it. it has a great storyline; i couldnt stop laughing, especially when they're fighting. hahaha *teringat balik time-time dorg gaduh. heheee.

so far, i have about 3 to 4 novels that i havent read. jangan risau la nano. you have more than enough time to finish them all. insyaAllah.

Friday 6 January 2012


for the last few weeks, i've been having fights with him. i have to admit, it's normal for us to fight but this time, it's gotten worse. i dont know why, but i just thought that i've tried my hardest to keep this relationship going, yet, it didnt seem to affect him in any way at all. even after i tried clearing things out, he would still put every single blame on me. it made me feel somewhat useless and eventually jump to conclusion that i'm probably, just probably, not good enough *sigh

so yesterday, we went out for while. he wanted to meet me - to talk about our relationship. it was hard, honestly. i was literally out of my mind when he started talking about his feelings and all. it's tough, you know? when you've done so much for that someone but it feels as though all the things you did means nothing to them. ugh. i have so many things going through my head, i just dont know how to put them into words.

anyway, he gave me flowers - again. it was sweet, very sweet. i'm just glad they're not real. i've had enough dead flowers hanging in my room -_-" 

truth is, yes, i do have feelings for him. but for the time being, i'm .... confused. i'm scared, i'm afraid that things will go back to the way it was. we may be joking and laughing today, but who knows what'll happen tomorrow?

thank you for the flowers

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Papa i ♥ u

yesterday we went to 1Borneo to watch Papa i ♥ u. ok, seriously, at first i thought it was gonna be a great movie. biasa la, trailer punya la main best. skali tgk real, straight ja muka aku -_-" sebenarnya we wanted to watch Alvin & the Chipmunks 3. teeheee. tp x ngam timing, so we ended up watching that movie instead. it was.... okay. and for the first time, there werent any villains. odd. even the girl's father is nice. i was like, 'hmmm, knapa baik bapak dya tu?"

after watching the movie, we went to meet my grandparents and my aunt's family. lepas dari sana, we went to Segama, utk makan durian. i know, pelik. it was my first time eating there. tp best jugak la, rasa mcm tourist kejap. haha (apa kaitan makan durian bawah jejantas di Segama dengan tourist?)

ignore my sister's face. lol.

nampak tapau polystyrene tu? see, i dont really like durian. so i bought kuey tiaw goreng and some fried fishballs. ngeheehh. *malu x pndai makan durian. 

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Thanks for the memories


 Please be nice to me.